DeKalb Ethics

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Summary of Advisory Opinion 2017-1

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Summary of Advisory Opinion 2017-1 Request of Mobilitie LLC.; decided by the Board of Ethics 9/28/17 Issue Whether the County may enter into a contract with a company who has hired an individual who was employed by DeKalb County within the preceding two years. Conclusion The County is not precluded from contracting with or taking … Read more

Summary of Advisory Opinion 2016-2

Proper use of county resources to send mass communications immediately prior to an election. The DeKalb County Board of Ethics met on September 22, 2016 and considered this request for an Advisory Opinion from the Ethics Officer, Stacey Kalberman. A copy of the request is attached. Question PresentedWhether the use of County resources by public officials … Read more

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